Nattokinase enhances the body's natural ability to fight blood clots, and has an advantage over blood thinners because it has a prolonged effect without side effects.
- supports normal blood pressure
- prevents blood clots from forming
- dissolves existing blood clots
- dissolves fibrin
- enhances the body's production of plasmin and other clot-dissolving agents, including urokinase
Sounds good, eh? So I decided to add one 2000 unit Nattokinase to my coumadin regimin, to see if it would have any additional thinning effect..... it may have thinned the blood slightly. So the next step was to take one in the morning and one in the evening and cut back on my coumadin by half. No Good, my blood thickened and the doctor busted me. So, even with reading about Natto being better than coumadin, I decided to be cautious. Now I am taking one Natto at night, which is supposed to be the best time to combat fibrin in the blood and taking my coumadin dose daily.
NOTE: if you are on coumadin or warfarin, use only Nattokinase with the Vitamin K removed. The vitamin K can thicken the blood and counter the effect of the coumadin.
Is Nattokinase safe ? It is very safe when used according to the recommended dosage. People with ulcers, recent or pending surgery, or recent major trauma should not take Nattokinase. Anyone who has ever had neurosurgery or ischemic stroke in the previous six months should not take Nattokinase, as well as those who have had intracranial bleeding. Generally, people with bleeding disorders, or taking anti-clotting medication, should use this product only under the close supervision of a medical doctor.
According to one of my readers "recent heart attack survivors should not take Natto for at least a year afterwards" Thank you reader x
Researchers have found that Nattokinase is four times more potent than plasmin, and works even more effectively than Warfarin drugs because it continues to work for long periods of time, and it doesn't produce any side effects.
If you want some links to Nattokinase, contact me and I will send them.
Best in Health to You
Rev. Joe
Very good article. also, recent heart attack survivors should not take Natto for at least a year afterwards.
I'm a heart attack survivor.
Hello Rev. Joe,
Healthline just designed a virtual guide of how atrial fibrillation affects the body. You can see the infographic here:
This is valuable med-reviewed information that can help a person understand the effects of afib of their body. I thought this would be of interest to your audience, and I’m writing to see if you would include this as a resource on your page:
If you do not believe this would be a good fit for a resource on your site, even sharing this on your social communities would be a great alternative to help get the word out.
Thanks so much for taking the time to review. Please let me know your thoughts and if I can answer any questions for you.
All the best,
Maggie Danhakl • Assistant Marketing Manager
p: 415-281-3124 f: 415-281-3199
Healthline • The Power of Intelligent Health
660 Third Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 | @Healthline | @HealthlineCorp
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